Monday 20 April 2015


The remaining men look over to see if they can find him, to no avail. They plug the holes, left by the monster with whatever they can find and wait, wait for something to bare it’s head.

Beneath the water Luther is in the body of the monster, he is looking for the sword, which isn’t hard to see as it is now glowing. He grabs it, the glowing stops, but he can barely keep his hands on it as it is violently shaking in his grasp. The monster is thrashing and tossing as if the vibration of the sword is causing discomfort. The quick witted Luther realises this, and thrusts the sword into the roof of the monster's stomach, the monster shakes uncontrollably and Luther grips the sword tighter than ever.

Above the men are grabbing their oars getting ready to set sail, as they assume the worst of Luther’s fate.
‘Look!’ Yelled Kallon............

Tuesday 14 April 2015


Kallon and Farbourne hurl their spears, a direct hit right between the eyes of the beast. It did no damage however because the monsters head dwarfs the puny spears. The Aspidoceleon drops below sea level, beyond the sight of the crew.
‘What was that thing, sir?’ Strabo hurriedly asks.
‘I don’t know Strabo,’ Luther answers.
Thorald sinks to the floor, looking dejected, almost as if he has accepted his impending death.
‘The Aspidoceleon, I told you I had seen it!’ Thorald said.
‘Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s coming back to finish us off. It was guarding this’ Luther said.

With his sword he bangs on the chest which springs open, the red light still blinding. Luther grabs the item, which stops glowing. He raises a six foot long, gold and diamond encrusted sword, that glimmers in the light, as though it has never been touched. He can barely hold it for long as it is extremely heavy. When he puts it down the men gather round it, and stare with awe. As soon as they are about to get a good glimpse at it, the beast leaps out of the water and crashes into the boat, throwing most of the men over board. He gets his prize, swallowing Luther and returning to the depths of the sea.
‘Luther!’ Yelled Strabo......

Monday 13 April 2015


Strabo grabs the chest from the sea. The crew members shade their eyes; the blinding light is magnified in the light of day. ‘What is this chest, sir?’ Thorald asks.
‘There is no time for questions Thorald, that monster you told the men about. It’s real alright and I think I may have stolen its treasure! Everyone, grab a weapon and be prepared to fight.’
The men run to the weapons chest and grab every single weapon.
‘On my command, Kallon, Farbourne, throw your spears, I don’t know what we’re dealing with but if it's anything like Thorald said, it’s going to strike.’

Everyone is waiting for the monster, they look nervous. No one knows just what to expect. The seas go quiet, the vibrating has stopped and the only sounds are the waves calmly hitting the boat… Boossh! The monster bears its head, it is exactly how Thorald described, the long, green serpent-like creature with fangs the size of the boat, blasts out of the water drenching the scared men, knocking most of them over.
‘Now! Throw the spears!’ Luther yelled........

Sunday 12 April 2015


‘Strabo, Thorald. Get your weapons out; I’m diving into the sea. If I bring any unwanted creatures back with me, you have to be ready to kill them!’ Luther orders. He unhooks himself from the rope, takes his helmet and chest armour off and dives into the open water.

Deeper and deeper Luther travels into the vast abyss of the sea. He looks around and finds what he is looking for, a sunken supply ship at the bottom of the ocean. A blinding red aura of light occupies his vision; he swims further and further down. The vibrations of the water get thicker and thicker, the light gets brighter and brighter the boat is now almost completely decayed apart from one chest,  a chest no larger than a household table which glows a magnificent red. Luther grabs the handle of the chest and swims to the surface.

He gets about five feet from the top when he is suddenly dragged down; the chest now feels heavier than a house. Luther looks down to see the problem. He looks directly into the jaws of a beast, a beast with two large, sharp fangs, a beast larger than anything ever seen before. Luther uses all his might, with the help of the low gravity pull of the sea to prize the chest from the grasp of the monster. He takes his dagger from his boot and thrusts it into the head of the monster; it looks like a pin in the head of a giant. He reaches the surface, chest in hand, breathing very deeply. Cheers ring out on deck.
‘Grab the chest!’ Luther cries..........

Saturday 11 April 2015


‘Sir, sir-‘ Grabbing him, Luther turns and takes hold of Thorald, lifting him by his clothes.
‘Don’t you ever touch me; no one touches me unless they want to die.’ Luther yells.
He throws Thorald to the floor who scrambles back to his seat looking very nervous.
‘Let’s get this ship moving!’ Luther walks below deck.

‘I told you not to talk out of turn; he could have thrown you to the Aspidoceleon.’ Strabo said.
A smattering of hushed laughter is heard. Suddenly the boat starts to shake; the men can barely hold onto their oars, many of them fall into the sea. Below deck Luther feels the rocking and says to himself,  ‘We’re here.’ He gets up and heads to the top deck.
‘Stay calm men, I know where we are.’

The boat starts to uncontrollably shake throwing men over board; Luther wraps his arm around some rope to steady himself.....

Friday 10 April 2015

-  Live the adventure and play REALM the card game coming soon  -



‘I was wondering why we had slowed down and now I can see. Why are you all surrounding Thorald as if he is suffering from scurvy?’ Luther rampages. 
Luther watch the men scurry back like ants to their rowing places. He then turns to Strabo, who can’t hold his laughter any longer.  ‘Is there something amusing, Strabo?’ Luther asks.

‘Well, sir, Thorald seems to think that there is a monster amongst the fish.’ Strabo answers.
‘A monster? Ha! Very funny Thorald, keeping morale up as usual I can see!’
‘But sir, I know it. I have seen it with my own eyes. Before I became a soldier I was a fisherman. We used to spend hours out at sea; I have seen my fair share of strange and wonderful beasts before, but nothing like this.’ Thorald explains.
‘Sounds like Thorald caught too much sun, everyone back to work we're getting closer.’ Luther orders.

 The men continue to row in silence. Thorald is still adamant that he saw the monster and gets up from his seat. He goes over to turn Luther so he can talk to him.........

Thursday 9 April 2015


‘Why are we on this god forsaken boat travelling further and further from land?’ Thorald said.
‘Quiet you fool! Luther doesn’t tolerate talking out of turn, you know that. Besides, what do you care? You’re getting paid, that’s all that matters.’ Replied Strabo.
‘I care because I’ve heard these seas can be very unforgiving, nobody knows what is out here.’ Thorald worriedly expresses.
Some of the crew members overhear this talk and decide to cut in.
‘What kind of ‘things’ occupy the waters apart from us and a few fish?’ Kallon enquires.
Thorald looks around to see if he has everyone’s attention.
‘An  Aspidoceleon. It is the size of a whale, with a turtle like shell protecting its body, and to make matters worse. It has the head of a serpent.’
The crew members suddenly burst into laughter.
‘Are you serious? You have been reading far too many scrolls for your own good Thorald.’ Kallon said.

Luther, sitting in the lower deck, hears the commotion and decides to take action. He climbs onto the top deck to see his crew members surrounding Thorald, eagerly waiting for more exciting myths.........

Wednesday 8 April 2015


  • Stories and legends from the Plains of Langrick.
  • Rumours and whispers passed down in time.
  • Farmers become heroes, blacksmiths daughters become heroines.
  • These stories are the history of real time.
Luther and the Sword of Meridiem

The calming ocean waves ricochet off the hull of a boat commanded by Luther. A man that knows no bounds, tall in stature with a recognisable scar across the right hand side of his face. He is a battle worn, born warrior. He has taken a few of his best men out into the Sea of Meridiem for an item that he holds dearly in his life, an item that he lost as a young man, an item that is said to have magical powers!


The crew on board have no idea where they are going, Luther has only told them what to do when the time calls. They are getting very restless, but they know not to speak out of turn so they continue the journey in silence.  The sea breeze and the occasional seagull are the only sounds to be heard.  Two men are discussing the possible objective of the trip..........