Thursday 9 April 2015


‘Why are we on this god forsaken boat travelling further and further from land?’ Thorald said.
‘Quiet you fool! Luther doesn’t tolerate talking out of turn, you know that. Besides, what do you care? You’re getting paid, that’s all that matters.’ Replied Strabo.
‘I care because I’ve heard these seas can be very unforgiving, nobody knows what is out here.’ Thorald worriedly expresses.
Some of the crew members overhear this talk and decide to cut in.
‘What kind of ‘things’ occupy the waters apart from us and a few fish?’ Kallon enquires.
Thorald looks around to see if he has everyone’s attention.
‘An  Aspidoceleon. It is the size of a whale, with a turtle like shell protecting its body, and to make matters worse. It has the head of a serpent.’
The crew members suddenly burst into laughter.
‘Are you serious? You have been reading far too many scrolls for your own good Thorald.’ Kallon said.

Luther, sitting in the lower deck, hears the commotion and decides to take action. He climbs onto the top deck to see his crew members surrounding Thorald, eagerly waiting for more exciting myths.........

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