Monday 13 April 2015


Strabo grabs the chest from the sea. The crew members shade their eyes; the blinding light is magnified in the light of day. ‘What is this chest, sir?’ Thorald asks.
‘There is no time for questions Thorald, that monster you told the men about. It’s real alright and I think I may have stolen its treasure! Everyone, grab a weapon and be prepared to fight.’
The men run to the weapons chest and grab every single weapon.
‘On my command, Kallon, Farbourne, throw your spears, I don’t know what we’re dealing with but if it's anything like Thorald said, it’s going to strike.’

Everyone is waiting for the monster, they look nervous. No one knows just what to expect. The seas go quiet, the vibrating has stopped and the only sounds are the waves calmly hitting the boat… Boossh! The monster bears its head, it is exactly how Thorald described, the long, green serpent-like creature with fangs the size of the boat, blasts out of the water drenching the scared men, knocking most of them over.
‘Now! Throw the spears!’ Luther yelled........

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