Monday 20 April 2015


The remaining men look over to see if they can find him, to no avail. They plug the holes, left by the monster with whatever they can find and wait, wait for something to bare it’s head.

Beneath the water Luther is in the body of the monster, he is looking for the sword, which isn’t hard to see as it is now glowing. He grabs it, the glowing stops, but he can barely keep his hands on it as it is violently shaking in his grasp. The monster is thrashing and tossing as if the vibration of the sword is causing discomfort. The quick witted Luther realises this, and thrusts the sword into the roof of the monster's stomach, the monster shakes uncontrollably and Luther grips the sword tighter than ever.

Above the men are grabbing their oars getting ready to set sail, as they assume the worst of Luther’s fate.
‘Look!’ Yelled Kallon............

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