Tuesday 14 April 2015


Kallon and Farbourne hurl their spears, a direct hit right between the eyes of the beast. It did no damage however because the monsters head dwarfs the puny spears. The Aspidoceleon drops below sea level, beyond the sight of the crew.
‘What was that thing, sir?’ Strabo hurriedly asks.
‘I don’t know Strabo,’ Luther answers.
Thorald sinks to the floor, looking dejected, almost as if he has accepted his impending death.
‘The Aspidoceleon, I told you I had seen it!’ Thorald said.
‘Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s coming back to finish us off. It was guarding this’ Luther said.

With his sword he bangs on the chest which springs open, the red light still blinding. Luther grabs the item, which stops glowing. He raises a six foot long, gold and diamond encrusted sword, that glimmers in the light, as though it has never been touched. He can barely hold it for long as it is extremely heavy. When he puts it down the men gather round it, and stare with awe. As soon as they are about to get a good glimpse at it, the beast leaps out of the water and crashes into the boat, throwing most of the men over board. He gets his prize, swallowing Luther and returning to the depths of the sea.
‘Luther!’ Yelled Strabo......

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