Sunday 12 April 2015


‘Strabo, Thorald. Get your weapons out; I’m diving into the sea. If I bring any unwanted creatures back with me, you have to be ready to kill them!’ Luther orders. He unhooks himself from the rope, takes his helmet and chest armour off and dives into the open water.

Deeper and deeper Luther travels into the vast abyss of the sea. He looks around and finds what he is looking for, a sunken supply ship at the bottom of the ocean. A blinding red aura of light occupies his vision; he swims further and further down. The vibrations of the water get thicker and thicker, the light gets brighter and brighter the boat is now almost completely decayed apart from one chest,  a chest no larger than a household table which glows a magnificent red. Luther grabs the handle of the chest and swims to the surface.

He gets about five feet from the top when he is suddenly dragged down; the chest now feels heavier than a house. Luther looks down to see the problem. He looks directly into the jaws of a beast, a beast with two large, sharp fangs, a beast larger than anything ever seen before. Luther uses all his might, with the help of the low gravity pull of the sea to prize the chest from the grasp of the monster. He takes his dagger from his boot and thrusts it into the head of the monster; it looks like a pin in the head of a giant. He reaches the surface, chest in hand, breathing very deeply. Cheers ring out on deck.
‘Grab the chest!’ Luther cries..........

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